David Baranyai 247f4aad08 | ||
include | ||
macros | ||
src | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
README.md | ||
config.conf | ||
sipm.cc |
SiPM Detector simulation using CERN Geant4
Simulation of detecting photons using Silicon photomultiplier. The output file is a ROOT file. Can be checked by TBrowser.
- CERN Geant4
- CERN Root (tested on 6.19/01)
- Linux or MacOS (should work on Windows, not tested)
- Also tested on WLS Ubuntu (X11 (for e.g. VcXsrv) and OpenGL needed)
Before building, be sure that you changed the macroPath to the right directory in sipm.cc.
git clone https://git.divaldo.hu/divaldo/SiPM.git
mkdir build_dir && cd build_dir
cmake ../SiPM
make -jN (where N is the number of jobs to run simultaneously)
Run with default parameters (not always works)
Run with default config file (config.conf)
./sipm -df
Run with custom config file
./sipm -f config_file_name.conf
Config file parameters
- pgpositionx - Particle Gun X position
- pgpositiony - Particle Gun Y position
- pgpositionz - Particle Gun Z position
- pgmomentumx - Particle Gun X momentum
- pgmomentumy - Particle Gun Y momentum
- pgmomentumz - Particle Gun Z momentum
- sipmsizex - SiPM X Size
- sipmsizey - SiPM Y Size
- sipmsizez - SiPM Z Size
- scintillatorsizex - Scintillator X Size
- scintillatorsizey - Scintillator Y Size
- scintillatorlength - Scintillator Z Size
- scintillatorisbox - Scintillator can be a tube or a box
- coatingthickness - Scintillator coating thickness
- scintillatorradius - Radius of the scintillator. Only used when it is a tube.
- xdivision - How many detectors should be placed along the X axis
- ydivision - How many detectors should be placed along the Y axis
- pgenergy - Particle Gun energy
- numberofevents - Number of events
- lengthunit - Size unit in detector construction (mm | cm | m)
- firstsipmenabled - Enable the first SiPM
- secondsipmenabled - Enable the second SiPM
- Scintillator subtracted from it's coating
- Scintillation process fix
- Size and position fixes
- Print fixes in Parameters
- Both SiPMs can be enabled or disabled
- Added an option to change between a box and tube scintillator (only box tested yet)
- Added new parameters
- Cleaned up the detector construction
- Small changes according to the new parameters
- SiPMAnalisys' and SiPMParameters' GetInstance functions are returning a static reference instead of pointer
- G4Mutex replaced with std::mutex
- Input config file and output data file name can be changed with the GetInstance functions on the first call