
143 lines
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// Parameters.hh
// Parameters
// Created by Baranyai David on 2018. 06. 30..
// Modified for SiPM Simulation on 2018. 08. 23..
// Copyright © 2018. Baranyai David. All rights reserved.
#ifndef SiPMParameters_hh
#define SiPMParameters_hh
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
class SiPMParameters
static SiPMParameters& GetInstance(const std::string& config_file_name = "config.conf");
enum lengthUnit { mm, cm, m };
void SetGlobalLengthUnit(lengthUnit l) { globalLengthUnit = l; }
double GetLengthMultiplier() //returns the correct length multiplier for the global length unit (use it instead of *cm/*mm/*m)
switch (globalLengthUnit)
case mm:
return millimeter;
case cm:
return centimeter;
case m:
return meter;
return centimeter;
//---Config file---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ParseConfigFile(); //Read the default config file
void ParseConfigFile(std::string config_file1); //Read another config file
//---Particle Gun parameters---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetParticleGunPosition(G4ThreeVector pgp) { particleGun_position = pgp; }
void SetParticleGunPosition(G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) { particleGun_position.set(x, y, z); }
G4ThreeVector GetParticleGunPosition() { return particleGun_position; }
void SetParticleGunMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector pgm) { particleGun_MomentumDirection = pgm; }
void SetParticleGunMomentumDirection(G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) { particleGun_MomentumDirection.set(x, y, z); }
G4ThreeVector GetParticleGunMomentumDirection() { return particleGun_MomentumDirection; }
void SetParticleGunEnergy(G4double pge) { particleGun_energy = pge; }
G4double GetParticleGunEnergy() { return particleGun_energy; }
//---SiPM parameters-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetSiPMSize(G4ThreeVector sipm_s) { sipm_Dimension = sipm_s; }
void SetSiPMSize(G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) { sipm_Dimension.set(x, y, z); }
G4ThreeVector GetSiPMSize() { return sipm_Dimension; }
void FirstSiPMEnabled(bool enabled) { sipm1Enabled = enabled; }
bool FirstSiPMEnabled() { return sipm1Enabled; }
void SecondSiPMEnabled(bool enabled) { sipm2Enabled = enabled; }
bool SecondSiPMEnabled() { return sipm2Enabled; }
//---Scintillator parameters---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetScintillatorLength(G4double sc_l) { scintillator_length = sc_l; scintillator_Dimension.setZ(sc_l); }
G4double GetScintillatorLength() { return scintillator_length; }
void SetScintillatorSize(G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) { scintillator_Dimension.set(x, y, z); }
G4ThreeVector GetScintillatorSize() { return scintillator_Dimension; }
double CoatingThickness() { return cThickness; }
void CoatingThickness(double t) { cThickness = t; }
//---Division parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetDivision(G4int x, G4int y) { x_division = x; y_division = y; };
void SetXDivision(G4int x) { x_division = x; }
void SetYDivision(G4int y) { y_division = y; }
G4int GetXDivison() { return x_division; }
G4int GetYDivison() { return y_division; }
//---Radius parameters---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetScintillatorRadius(G4double sc_r) { scint_radius = sc_r; }
G4double GetScintillatorRadius() { return scintIsBox ? 0.0 : scint_radius; } //If it is a box, return 0
//---Scintillator Tube vs box parameters---------------------------------------------------------------
void ScintillatorIsBox(bool isBox) { scintIsBox = isBox; }
bool ScintillatorIsBox() { return scintIsBox; }
//---Number of Events----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SetNumberOfEvents(G4int noe1) { numberofevents = noe1; }
G4int GetNumberOfEvents() { return numberofevents; }
void ResetToDefaults();
SiPMParameters(const SiPMParameters&) = delete;
SiPMParameters& operator=(const SiPMParameters&) = delete;
SiPMParameters(const std::string& config_file_name);
void PrintUsedFilename();
//---Config file---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string config_file;
void StoreConfigValues(std::string key1, std::string value1);
void CheckValues();
bool conf_loaded = false;
G4ThreeVector particleGun_position;
G4ThreeVector particleGun_MomentumDirection;
G4double particleGun_energy; //in GeV
G4ThreeVector sipm_Dimension; //applies to both (in cm)
G4double scintillator_length; //the size same as sipm
G4double scint_radius;
G4ThreeVector scintillator_Dimension;
G4int x_division;
G4int y_division;
G4int numberofevents;
bool scintIsBox = true;
bool sipm1Enabled = true;
bool sipm2Enabled = false;
lengthUnit globalLengthUnit = cm; //default length is cm
double cThickness = 1;
#endif /* Parameters_hh */