
333 lines
14 KiB

// SiPMDetectorConstruction.cpp
// sipm
// Created by Baranyai David on 2018. 08. 22..
#include "SiPMDetectorConstruction.hh"
: G4VUserDetectorConstruction()
{ }
{ }
G4VPhysicalVolume* SiPMDetectorConstruction::Construct()
// Get nist material manager
G4NistManager* nist = G4NistManager::Instance();
//Get the parameters instance
SiPMParameters& parameters = SiPMParameters::GetInstance();
// Option to switch on/off checking of volumes overlaps
G4bool checkOverlaps = true;
// ------------- Materials -------------
G4double a, z, density;
G4int nelements;
// Air
G4Element* N = new G4Element("Nitrogen", "N", z=7 , a=14.01*g/mole);
G4Element* O = new G4Element("Oxygen" , "O", z=8 , a=16.00*g/mole);
G4Material* air = new G4Material("Air", density=1.29*mg/cm3, nelements=2);
air->AddElement(N, 70.*perCent);
air->AddElement(O, 30.*perCent);
// Water
G4Element* H = new G4Element("Hydrogen", "H", z=1 , a=1.01*g/mole);
G4Material* water = new G4Material("Water", density= 1.0*g/cm3, nelements=2);
water->AddElement(H, 2);
water->AddElement(O, 1);
* Wolfram material
G4Material *wolfram = nist -> FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_W");
// World
G4ThreeVector sipm_size = parameters.GetSiPMSize();
G4double world_sizeX = parameters.GetXDivison() * sipm_size.getX() * cm; //2*m;
G4double world_sizeY = parameters.GetYDivison() * sipm_size.getY() * cm; //2*m;
G4double world_sizeZ = 2*sipm_size.getZ() + parameters.GetScintillatorLength();
G4Material* world_mat = air; //nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_AIR");
G4Box* solidWorld =
new G4Box("World", //its name
/*0.5**/world_sizeX, /*0.5**/world_sizeY, /*0.5**/world_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidWorld, //its solid
world_mat, //its material
"World"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume* physWorld =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(), //at (0,0,0)
logicWorld, //its logical volume
"World", //its name
0, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy lxenumber
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
//Place a container which contains everything for G4Replica
G4double container_sizeX = sipm_size.getX()*cm;
G4double container_sizeY = sipm_size.getY()*cm;
G4double container_sizeZ = (sipm_size.getZ()*2 + parameters.GetScintillatorLength())*cm;
G4Box *solidContainer =
new G4Box("Container", container_sizeX*0.5, container_sizeY*0.5, container_sizeZ*0.5);
G4LogicalVolume *logicContainer =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidContainer, world_mat, "Container");
G4Colour containerColour( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
G4VisAttributes* containerVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes( containerColour );
//logicContainer -> SetVisAttributes(containerVisAtt);
G4double sizeX = sipm_size.getX()*cm;
G4double sizeY = sipm_size.getY()*cm;
G4double sipm_width = sipm_size.getZ()*cm;
// Sipm0
G4Material* sipm0_mat = air; //nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Si");
// sipm0 shape
G4double sipm0_sizeX = sizeX;
G4double sipm0_sizeY = sizeY;
G4double sipm0_sizeZ = sipm_width;
G4ThreeVector pos_sipm0 = G4ThreeVector(0, 0*cm, (sipm_width/2)-container_sizeZ*0.5);
G4Box* solidSipm0 =
new G4Box("Sipm0", //its name
0.5*sipm0_sizeX, 0.5*sipm0_sizeY,
0.5*sipm0_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicSipm0 =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidSipm0, //its solid
sipm0_mat, //its material
"Sipm0"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume *physSipm0 =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
pos_sipm0, //at position
logicSipm0, //its logical volume
"Sipm0", //its name
logicContainer, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy lxenumber
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
G4Colour sipmColour( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
G4VisAttributes* sipmVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes( sipmColour );
// Box
// Changed the scintillator construction so now the box is Wolfram whic contains the scintillator
G4Material* scint_mat = water; //nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Si");
// box shape
G4double scint_sizeX = sizeX;
G4double scint_sizeY = sizeY;
G4double scint_sizeZ = parameters.GetScintillatorLength() * cm;
G4double z_pos = sipm_width + (scint_sizeZ*0.5);
G4ThreeVector posScint = G4ThreeVector(0, 0*cm, z_pos-container_sizeZ*0.5);
G4Box* solidScint_W =
new G4Box("Scintillator_W", //its name
0.5*scint_sizeX, 0.5*scint_sizeY,
0.5*scint_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicScint_W =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidScint_W, //its solid
wolfram, //its material
"Scintillator_W"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume *physScint_W =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
posScint, //at position
logicScint_W, //its logical volume
"Scintillator_W", //its name
logicContainer, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy lxenumber
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
* Scintillator
G4double scint_radius = parameters.GetScintillatorRadius()*cm;
G4Tubs * solidScint = new G4Tubs("tube", 0, scint_radius, 0.5*(scint_sizeZ+(0.5*mm)), 0, 2*CLHEP::pi); //name, inner R, outter R, Half length in Z, starting angle, angle of the segment in rad
new G4Box("Scintillator",
G4LogicalVolume *logicScint =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidScint, //its solid
scint_mat, //its material
"Scintillator"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume *physScint =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), //at position (as the mother volume is not the world, maybe this will be the right place)
logicScint, //its logical volume
"Scintillator", //its name
logicScint_W, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy lxenumber
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
G4Colour scintColour( 1.0, 0, 0.0);
G4VisAttributes* scintVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes( scintColour );
logicScint -> SetVisAttributes(scintVisAtt);
// Sipm1
G4double sipm2_pos_z = (0.5*sipm_width) + scint_sizeZ;
G4Material* sipm1_mat = air; //nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Si");
G4ThreeVector pos_sipm1 = G4ThreeVector(0, 0*cm, sipm_width+sipm2_pos_z-container_sizeZ*0.5);
// sipm1 shape -> same as sipm0
G4Box* solidSipm1 =
new G4Box("Sipm1", //its name
0.5*sipm0_sizeX, 0.5*sipm0_sizeY,
0.5*sipm0_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicSipm1 =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidSipm1, //its solid
sipm1_mat, //its material
"Sipm1"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume *physSipm1 =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
pos_sipm1, //at position
logicSipm1, //its logical volume
"Sipm1", //its name
logicContainer, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy lxenumber
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
//----------------------------------General values--------------------------------------------------------
const G4int n = 2;
G4double pp[n] = {2.0*eV, 3.0*eV}; //distribution of optical photons produced in eV
//---------------------------------General Material Settings----------------------------------------------
//material of scintillator
G4double rind_scintillator[n] = {1.59, 1.57}; //refraction index
G4double absl[n] = {35.*m, 35.*m}; //absorption length
G4double slow[n] = {1, 1};
G4double fast[n] = {1, 1};
G4MaterialPropertiesTable *scint_material_mpt = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
scint_material_mpt -> AddProperty("RINDEX", pp, rind_scintillator, n);
scint_material_mpt -> AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", pp, absl, n);
scint_material_mpt -> AddProperty("SLOWCOMPONENT", pp, slow, n);
scint_material_mpt -> AddProperty("FASTCOMPONENT", pp, fast, n);
scint_material_mpt -> AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 50./MeV); //50 volt
scint_material_mpt -> AddConstProperty("RESOLUTIONSCALE", 1.0);
scint_material_mpt -> AddConstProperty("FASTTIMECONSTANT", 0.01*ns);
scint_material_mpt -> AddConstProperty("SLOWTIMECONSTANT", 1.*ns);
scint_material_mpt -> AddConstProperty("YIELDRATIO", 0.1);
scint_mat -> SetMaterialPropertiesTable(scint_material_mpt);
//Surface of scintillator to wolfram
G4OpticalSurface *OpScintillatorSurface = new G4OpticalSurface("Scintillator Surface to Wolfram",glisur, polished, dielectric_metal);
G4LogicalBorderSurface *ScintillatorSurface = new G4LogicalBorderSurface("Scintillator Surface", physScint, physScint_W, OpScintillatorSurface);
G4double reflectivity_W[n] = {0.9, 0.9};
G4double efficiency_W[n] = {0, 0};
G4MaterialPropertiesTable *ScintillatorToWolframMaterialPropertyTable = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
ScintillatorToWolframMaterialPropertyTable -> AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", pp, reflectivity_W, n);
ScintillatorToWolframMaterialPropertyTable -> AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", pp, efficiency_W, n);
OpScintillatorSurface -> SetMaterialPropertiesTable(ScintillatorToWolframMaterialPropertyTable);
//Surface from scintillator to sipm0 and sipm1
G4OpticalSurface *SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm = new G4OpticalSurface("SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm", glisur, polished, dielectric_metal);
G4LogicalBorderSurface *SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm0_logical = new G4LogicalBorderSurface("SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm0", physScint, physSipm0, SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm);
G4LogicalBorderSurface *SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm1_logical2 = new G4LogicalBorderSurface("SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm1", physScint, physSipm1, SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm);
G4double reflectivity[n] = {1, 1}; //ha nem 1,1 akkor nem éri el a sipm-et az aki eléri a scint végét.
G4MaterialPropertiesTable *ScintillatorMaterialPropertyTable = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
ScintillatorMaterialPropertyTable -> AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", pp, reflectivity, n);
SurfacefromScintillatorToSipm -> SetMaterialPropertiesTable(ScintillatorMaterialPropertyTable);
//Using G4PVPlacement instead of replica or others
int x = parameters.GetXDivison();
int y = parameters.GetYDivison();
int helper = 0;
G4VPhysicalVolume *physContainer[x][y];
char s1[30];
for(int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < y; j++)
snprintf(s1, 30, "Container_x%d_y%d", i, j);
logicContainer -> SetName(s1);
physContainer[x][y] = new G4PVPlacement(0,
G4ThreeVector(i*container_sizeX, j*container_sizeY, 0),
s1, //its name
helper, //copy number
return physWorld;