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#include "rpiServo.h"
const int rpiServo::ERRDEG;// Error code
* rpiServo constructor - Calls rpiPWM1's overloaded constructor
* which basically creates a 50Hz PWM waveform, wih a resolution count of 3600,
* a duty cycle of 7.5% (1.5ms ON pulse every 20ms to center servo shaft at
* 90 degree position) and traditional PWM mode (rpiPWM1::MSMODE)
* By setting count resolution to 3600 counts, one 20ms period is equivalent to
* to 3600 counts, 2ms ON time (180 degree position) is equivalent to 360 counts
* and 1ms ON time (0 degree position) is equivalent to 180 counts. This gives us
* 180 counts between the 0 degree position and the 180 degree position hence we
* get 1 degree rotation resolution
// 20ms = 3600 counts (Period)
// 2ms = 360 counts (10% duty cycle) => angle 180
// 1ms = 180 counts (5% duty cycle) => angle 0
// 1.5ms = 180+90 = 270 (7.5% duty cycle ) => angle = 90 //servo centered
*setAngle() - function sets the angle of the servo's shaft
*Parameters - degrees - new shaft angle. Can be any value between 0 and 180 only
*return Value - If parameter 'degrees' was between 0 and 180 (inclusive) then
return value is 0 else its spiServo::ERRDEG
unsigned int rpiServo::setAngle(unsigned int degrees){
unsigned int retVal = 0;
if((degrees < 0) || (degrees > 180 ))
retVal = ERRDEG;
this->setDutyCycleCount(180 + degrees); // call the necessary rpiPWM1 method
return retVal;