diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 011ad3d..61bfd21 100755 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -58,6 +58,24 @@ foreach(_script ${EXAMPLEMEDTECH_SCRIPTS}) ) endforeach() +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# You need to tell CMake where to find the ROOT installation. This can be done in a number of ways: +# - ROOT built with classic configure/make use the provided $ROOTSYS/etc/cmake/FindROOT.cmake +# - ROOT built with CMake. Add in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH the installation prefix for ROOT +list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH $ENV{ROOTSYS}) + +#---Locate the ROOT package and defines a number of variables (e.g. ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS) +find_package(ROOT REQUIRED COMPONENTS RIO) + +#---Define useful ROOT functions and macros (e.g. ROOT_GENERATE_DICTIONARY) +include(${ROOT_USE_FILE}) + +include_directories(${ROOT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + +set(ROOT_LIBRARIES -L${ROOT_LIBRARY_DIR} -lCore -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lMatrix -lPhysics -lMathCore -lThread -pthread -lm -ldl -rdynamic) + +target_link_libraries(medtech ${ROOT_LIBRARIES}) + #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For internal Geant4 use - but has no effect if you build this # example standalone