# BM1D Brownian movement in one dimension. Starter pack for data processing course from 2017/10/30 to 2017/11/03. ## Authors * **Balázs Demeter** - *University of Debrecen* - [E-mail](mailto:balazsdemeter92@gmail.com) * **Balázs Ujvári** - *University of Debrecen* - [E-mail](mailto:balazs.ujvari@science.unideb.hu) * **Dávid Baranyai** - *University of Debrecen* - [E-mail](mailto:divaldo95@gmail.com) ### Requirements * Linux (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) * CERN ROOT (Tested on v6.10/08) ### Download Link Via Git: ``` git clone https://github.com/dbalazs92/BM1D.git ``` Direct link: ``` https://github.com/dbalazs92/BM1D/archive/master.zip ``` ### Build In the directory of program (BM1D), open a terminal window and enter: ``` chmod 744 setup.sh ``` After giving the necessary permissions for setup script, run: ``` ./setup.sh ``` ### Running the simulation After build, in the directory of build (bm1d_build), open a terminal window and enter: ``` ./BM1D ``` If there's command line argument, then program opens the created root file. Name of file can be found in main file (BM1D.cc) . ## Updates * 2017/10/31 - 'v1.5' - Added cleaner script, modified setup script and added command line inputs * 2017/10/30 - 'v1.4' - New Structure * 2017/10/29 - 'v1.3.1' - Release Candidate * 2017/10/29 - 'v1.3' - Minor fixes in Progress * 2017/10/29 - 'v1.2' - Creation of reloaded version and it's repository * 2015/10/27 - 'v1.0' - Creation of program